Hi, I'm Laura Barella, I'm an italian illustrator. I live and work in a house with cats, a tree garden and a hammock. I love reading, playing ancient music with my husband and to spend a sunny afternoon on a rowing boat on the nearby lakes.
After completing my Diploma at Artistic High School and illustration courses at the European Institute of Design, I started as a naturalistic  illustrator, my first passion. 
Then I encountered the poetry, the creativity, and expressive freedom of the children's picture books and that changed my work.
I collaborated with publishers from UK, US, Italy, Spain, as: Edelvives, Ladybird Penguin, Oxford University Press, Child's Play, Franklin Watts, Hachette, Great  Minds, Houghton Mifflin, De Agostini, Mondadori, Fabbri RCS, Corriere della Sera,
Giunti, Franco Cosimo Panini.
I have exhibited my artworks in some  international illustration contest as Key Colours Competion, Belgio, Bologna Children's Book Fair (Fiction),  Ilustrarte, International Biennial of Illustration, Lisbon, Bologna Children’s Book Fair (No-Fiction). I took part in the making of the series "Le Grandi Fiabe" for 'Corriere della Sera' RCS which obtained the 'Andersen Prize' for the Best Illustrated Series. 

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